Many individuals and some groups within the Church Family are involved, in a variety of ways, in serving the local community — and beyond. As a Church Family we should be supporting these people by encouragement and prayer.
There are many possibilities to explore where the Church as a whole could take ownership, eg: by
Relating to the groups that use our premises by assigning ‘buddies’, members of the Church Family, to each group.
Starting activities relevant to the 40-60’s age group which has been identified as being significant in the area — such as a walking group, games night, ‘relaxed‘ evening support for carers, meetings on topics relevant to parents of teenagers, courses on preparation for retirement.
Recruiting a group of members to meet a need in the wider community, whether temporarily or for the longer term.
Raising awareness of the Charities we support through our Project Fund.
Developing ways of promoting awareness and discussion of relevant ‘Big Issues’, such as Climate Change and Social Justice, in a Christian context.
Working with other churches in the village and through CTIS to serve the community and beyond.