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First Time to UMC

We know that coming to church for the first time can be quite intimidating.  Even for a seasoned church-goer, a new church throws up all sorts of questions.  We hope we have answered your questions here, but if not, please use the contact button on the home page with any queries.


When are the services?   Times of the services can be found here on the website home page or on the painted noticeboard outside the church.


Can I just walk in?   Yes! Everyone is welcome. 


Can I bring the kids?   Yes! Children of all ages are always welcome, and it doesn't matter if your child wanders around or makes a noise, we want them to feel at home.  We have regular all-age services and there is a Sunday Club where children can leave the service to participate in more age-appropriate activities.


I use a wheelchair - can I get in?   Yes – a lot of people use the main entrance up the steps in the square but we also have a level entrance that can be accessed from Church Road. It's a good entrance for people with prams too.


What should I wear?   There is no dress code. Some people feel happier dressing smartly for church, others prefer to come along in jeans and trainers. Above all we want you to be comfortable.


How long will the service be?   It varies a little, but usually each service lasts about an hour.


Does it cost anything?   No. There is usually a collection during the service but it is entirely up to you how much you give.  Some people don't put anything on the collection plate, but make a regular contribution by standing order.


I don't know if I'm a Christian - does that matter?   No, it doesn't matter – all are welcome.


What happens when I walk in?   You will be welcomed and shown in.


Where do I sit?  Pretty much anywhere you like. No one has reserved seats.


Will anyone speak to me?   Hopefully yes! We do try to say hello to anyone new – but it helps us if you let us know it’s your first time.


How will I know what to do?   The person leading the service will tell you. 


What if I don't know the hymns?   Don’t worry – we have a wide range of hymns and no one can know them all. 


Who takes services?   Rev'd Ken McNally is the Minister, he leads some of the services and others are led by others including lay preachers and members of our congregation.


What happens after the service?   We hope you will join us in the Methodist Centre for coffee/tea and a biscuit.We are a friendly church and always happy to have new people come along.


I'd like to come regularly - now what?

That's great!  It would be nice if you let one of our stewards know, but you can just keep coming along if you prefer - we'll notice!



We look forward to seeing you soon at
Uppermill Methodist Church!


© 2015-18 by Uppermill Methodist Church. 

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