The Church in the Square at the Heart of the Community

Sept - Dec 2024
Sept 5th Getting to Know You – Rev Godfrey Adams
Sept 12th I Remember when…...
Sept 19st Royal Observer Corp—Rev Ken McNally
Sept 26th Life Share—talk by Judy Vickers
Oct 3rd We welcome the Craft Group from Upstairs
Oct 10th Talk by the Admiral Nurse Sarah O’Neill
Oct 17th Quizzing Afternoon with Margaret
Oct 24th All about the ‘Scarf for Lewy’ Event.
Oct 31st Film Afternoon
Nov 7th Lindsay’s latest Art.
Nov 14th Costumes at Millgate—Verity Mann
Nov 21st Beetle Drive
Nov 28th Preparing for Christmas
Dec 5th Christmas Do
Dec 12th Advent Wreath Ceremony.
A Scarf for Lewy
In Autumn 2022 members of Thursday Friends organised the church's response to this project organised by the Lewy Body Society to raise awareness of Lewy Body Dementia. Our 55metre long 'scarf' was joined to many others to make a scarf which was wrapped around the Royal Albert Hall five times, an event which drew a lot of attention and made many more people aware of the disease.
Drawings by Ashley Bayston founder of the Lewy Body Society
This year's 'A Scarf for Lewy' event is being held on Thursday 17th October at the Methodist Central Hall in Manchester
Click here for more details

Members of Thursday Friends displaying the first batch of scarves made for this year's Scarf for Lewy project.

Above is the new display in the Coffee Lounge prepared by members of Thursday Friends to celebrate Pentecost.. The banner, made twenty seven years ago by members of Monday at Eight, shows the way we celebrate Pentecost in Saddleworth, on Whit Friday, with our processions of witness. The flames represent the tongues of fire which descended on the disciples as they received the Holy Spirit on the first Day of Pentecost. The phrase 'God is love' written in twenty different languages reminds us that the disciples were able to address the multinational crowd around them in such a way that each one could hear the message in their own language.
This passage found, on the web, by one of our members several years ago summarises very well the the feelings of members of the group.
How generous God is that he has given me these few and special friends who are true friends of the heart.
How he must love me that he has let us find each other upon this crowded earth. We are drawn to each other as if by some mystical force. We recognise each other at once. We are sisters of the spirit who understand each other instinctively.
There is no blood between us, no common family history. Yet there are no barriers of background, or even age. Older, younger, richer, poorer - no matter. We speak the same language, we have come together in a special moment in time, and the sense of union we feel will last through eternity.