The Church in the Square at the Heart of the Community
Pastoral and Fellowship
The UMC Pastoral Care and Fellowship Team offer support for those in need; for example the sick, those in hospital, the bereaved, those with new babies. This support may be practical, with prayer, through listening or whatever is required given the circumstances.
Pastoral Care
At Uppermill Methodist Church our Minister, Rev Gary Ridley, looks after the pastoral care of all our congregation.
We also have a team of Pastoral Visitors and every member of the congregation has a Pastoral Visitor assigned to them.
We have a Pastoral Secretary who keeps our pastoral list up to date and looks after the admin for our pastoral committee which meets with our Minister at least twice a year.
Our Pastoral Visitors keep in touch with everyone in our Church family. They deliver our newsletters, keeping everybody in touch with what is happening in the life of our Church. If they think anyone would benefit from a visit from our Minister they will get in touch with him and let him know. They are there for anyone who needs them in many different ways from providing support and encouragement at times of need to just being there to listen, to pray with people, encourage them in their faith and to be a friend.
Uppermill Methodist Church Prayer Group
11.00 - 12.00 noon
Our prayer group meets from 11am to 12 noon every Wednesday morning in the parlour or church vestry.
Prayer cards are available in the church porch where there is also a prayer book for requests, which are read out during Sunday Services.
You can contact us to find out more information via email at prayer@uppermillmethodistchurch.org.uk