The Church in the Square at the Heart of the Community
Harvest Festival 2018
It has always been an important part of the Harvest Festival that we bring gifts of food to show our thankfulness for all that we have. There are a number of people in the immediate area who appreciate a visit with a bunch of flowers and maybe a few items of fruit and we will continue to do that. However, across the Borough of Oldham we know that there are folk in desperate straits who rely on Oldham Food Bank in a crisis and also destitute asylum seekers who are entirely dependent on the Oldham Unity Project at Oldham Baptist Church. So we would like you to bring items from the shopping lists below rather than fresh fruit and vegetables which those projects cannot manage.
Local folk: flowers
Oldham Food Bank: UHT milk, (small) bags of sugar, tinned fruit, tea bags (80s), pasta 500g, rice 500g, tinned veg (not peas), pasta sauce.
Oldham Unity: pasta, rice, cooking oil, tea bags, dried lentils, UHT milk, fruit juice, tins of tomatoes, sardines and tuna in oil.
Neither project needs baked beans or soup just now.
Please bring your gifts of food and flowers to church either on Saturday 29th September between 10am and noon or to the Service on Sunday morning.
Organization of the distribution of all this is quite a big task. We would like as many people as possible to stay behind after the service to make up mini hampers of flowers and a few items of fruit and then sort out the bulk of the donations to be taken into Oldham. We would also appreciate volunteers to take flowers and a mini hamper to a recipient.
Further information from Alison Brittle.