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Who We Are


Our Mission

In response to God’s love for us, we strive to ‘live the Jesus way’, through:

  • Worship :

     We give praise and thanks to God in different styles of worship.

  • Learning & Caring :

     We are a caring community that encourages one another.

  • Service : 

     We respond to others needs in whatever ways we can, in Jesus’            name.

  • Reaching Out :

     We want to share our love for Jesus, so that others can experience     it too.


The best way to find out more about Uppermill Methodist Church is to come along and join us in worship - You are sure to receive a warm welcome.



Uppermill Methodist Church has six steering committees



Property and Finance:
  • Looking after the fabric and structure of the building

  • Overseeing financial details

  • Budgeting and expenditure

  • Accounts



  • Planning worship services

  • Sunday rotas

  • Sound / I.T. issues

  • Occasional services e.g. funerals



Pastoral and Fellowship:
  • Pastoral care of church members and church family

  • Coordinating the work of the pastoral visitors



Children and Young People:

Provision for children and young people including:

  • Uniformed organisations

  • Sunday Club

  • Little Fishes / Starfish / Kingfishers

  • Tiddlers

  • Youth Club

  • All Age Worship



Church Life:
  • House groups

  • Publicity

  • Social events

  • Coffee Mornings

  • Catering



Mission and Service:

Relevance of the church in the Community, nationally and Internationally

  • Managing charitable giving

  • Overseeing outside projects

  • Fair Trade

© 2015-18 by Uppermill Methodist Church. 

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