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Transforming Churches Review – important dates

April Update:

The TCC group last met on 15th March 2018 and looked at further sections of the review focusing on questions related to governance and finance at UMC.
Many of you were able to contribute to the review during the service on Sunday 4th March by completing a series of questions.

Copies of the questionnaires used on 4th March will be sent out either electronically or as a paper copy to those who were not able to be there on 4th March. If you haven’t had chance to complete a questionnaire by Sunday 8th April please let one of the TCC Review group know (Rev. Gary Ridley, Roger Gould, Dorothy Roberts, Debbie Ridley, Adrian Green, Thirza Dixon, Roz Comer, Kathryn Heathcote).
The deadline for returning completed questionnaires to John Wareham is Wednesday 18th April 2018.
To get the most out of the review it’s important that we get as broad a range of views and opinions as possible so please make every effort to complete the questionnaire and get it back to us by the deadline. The questionnaires are anonymous.
In addition to completing the questionnaire John is coming on Wednesday 18th April to give people the opportunity to meet with him. He will be available in the coffee lounge from 10.00 am – 12 noon during the coffee morning, during the afternoon there will be a number of bookable appointment slots for people to meet individually with John in the church parlour. 
A meeting slot must be booked in advance by signing the list in the coffee lounge.  The list is available from Sunday 1st April.
If you are not available on 18th April but would like to meet with John arrangements will be made for additional meeting times.

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