July-August Newsletter
Dear Friends, The days seem to be passing all too quickly and our time in Saddleworth will soon be finishing. It has been a privilege to...

June Newsletter
Dear Friends, May I warmly commend a visit to the Knitted Bible Stories exhibition open from June 1st to June 12th at church. It is a...

May Newsletter
Dear Friends Whit is early this year. Whit Sunday is May 15th and Whit Friday five days later. Look out for all the arrangements for...

April Newsletter
Dear Friends, April is going to be a busy month. One common theme that is found in two of the events is prayer. On April 23rd the Church...

What does Easter mean to you?
Dear Friends, What does Easter mean to you? Easter eggs? Fluffy chickens? Daffodils? The decorated Lent Cross? These are some of the...

Are We A Welcoming Church?
Dear Friends, Are we a welcoming church? Is the church set out in such a way to make it easy for every new person to quickly feel at...

December/January Newsletter
Dear Friends, We have all been shocked by the recent events in Paris with the huge loss of life. So many families continue to be...

November Newsletter
Dear Friends, Yesterday (October 14th), two seemingly different things happened to me. Firstly, during the course of a pastoral...

October Letter
Dear Friends, In 1800 a poor Welsh girl called Mary Jones walked 26 miles to buy a Bible. The story of her walk inspired Thomas Charles...

September Letter
Dear Friends, One of the news items that has been recurring through 2015 is the issue of mass migration to Europe. We have heard stories...