A group of Wealth only raises the possibility of RS gold receiving an item from the Rare drop table, the contents of which are the exact same for many critters who have it. Along with also the"needed" skills. Though not mandatory, it will help in the event that you plan on being there for a sensible amount of time: 75+ Strike, 75+ Strength, 75+ Defence, 70+ Constitution, 40+ Prayer (40 Prayer is the only true must, however 70/95 is fantastic for Piety/Turmoil. 92 is nice too for SS, but you really don't need these.) Fixed Everything So True posted, as well as copied his data into mine. Thanks.
Always use the whip for training Attack and Defense, and use the Saradomin Sword for training Power. Below are a few nice places to train that I can think off the top of my head: Giant Spiders in the Stronghold of Security, Yaks, Armoured Zombies, Ghouls, Experiments. Alternatively, you can train your battle level through Slayer. Slayer can be a fantastic money-making skill after you get to high levels, so why not give it a try?
And at your level, be sure to have these pieces of equipment: Helmet of all neitiznot. Dragon platelegs / Barrows platelegs (I am not good with Barrows armor so ask someone else about that). Rune Defender. Fighter Torso (optional). You could be considering getting Void Melee armor also.
Msb destroyed rune cbow at higher range levels. However, as you only have 75 range, I'd advise sticking to rune cbow + monk underside. I suggest 85 scope for my own setup (so that MSB hits frequently and comes much closer to it's possible DPS), found here: http://runescape.salmoneus.net/forums/inde... Lemon missed the new tt launch, and so the gear offered is somewhat outdated. Arma mitre + unholy emblem is far better than zammy mitre + arma pendant in every conceivable way, in addition to costing less.
So I need a dscimmy but I havent done monkey madness or the quests needed to start it... So I can perform tree gnome village along with the expansive tree but do not know if I will we be able to triumph against the bosses? So could you please tell me if I can or what exactly the recommened levels are mainly what method or strategy I must use for cheap RuneScape gold three quests! My equipment (but dont want to risk it if I am very likely to die, as I lost dboots, karils coif and 50+ charms , but sold dhatchet to receive my boots back)